Cocaine Rehab:
How our therapy can help your rehab and rehabilitation from cocaine addiction
Getting help with your cocaine addiction, or the cocaine addiction of a friend or family member, can seem like a big step. But cocaine addiction rehab doesn’t have to be a frightening prospect.
Our highly-qualified team has years of experience of providing effective therapeutic support to people with a history of substance misuse.
We’ve compiled this guide to help you understand the risks of cocaine use, and to show you how Parkland Place can support you into recovery.
What is cocaine addiction?
Cocaine is very addictive stimulant, and it can be difficult for users to resist the craving for more. This powerful craving develops because cocaine alters the way your brain works.
The powerful psychological dependence which can develop is often more of a problem than physical withdrawal symptoms. People who stop using cocaine can experience low moods and feel very rough, and this can also tempt them to take more.
Cocaine is usually snorted as a powder or smoked as crack cocaine, but can also be injected in solution.
Am I addicted to cocaine?
Even the smallest amount of cocaine can be very dangerous.
Because cocaine is often cut with other substances and is dealt at varying strengths, its effects on the body can be very unpredictable. There have been reports of users dying after their first time.
Cocaine addicts will often use the drug with increasing regularity, or take larger and larger doses to get or attempt to sustain a high.
When used in high doses, cocaine can cause extreme agitation, paranoia and aggression. Unpleasant physical effects include dizziness, hallucinations, headache, heart pain, nausea, tremors and vomiting.
If you suffer any of these symptoms after taking cocaine, or if you find your cocaine use is increasing in regularity or quantity then you are likely to have a problem which needs treatment.
Risks of cocaine addiction
Cocaine users have died from overdose. High doses raise the body’s temperature, can cause convulsions, heart attack and heart failure. Risk of overdose increases if cocaine is mixed with other drugs or alcohol.
Over time, snorting cocaine will seriously damage the cartilage which separates the nostrils. Heavy users can lose their cartilage and end up with a misshapen nose.
Cocaine is highly risky for anybody with high blood pressure or a heart condition, but even perfectly healthy young people can have a heart attack or fit following overdose.
Using cocaine often makes people feel depressed and can lead to anxiety, paranoia and panic attacks.
Cocaine can have a detrimental impact on mental health conditions. If a relative has had mental health issues, you could be an increased risk from using cocaine.
Taking cocaine when you’re pregnant can damage your baby. It may cause miscarriage, premature labour and low birth weight.
Regularly smoking crack cocaine can cause breathing problems and pains in the chest.
Sharing needles, syringes and other equipment involved in injecting is risky – it puts desperate people at risk of further health complications from blood-borne viruses like hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS. It’s easier to overdose if you’re injecting cocaine.
Getting help for cocaine addiction
You may have realised that you aren’t in full control of your drug use and that it’s causing problems. The problems could be a lack of money, strained friendships, broken relationships, losing a job, or getting arrested.
If you’re concerned about the drug use of a friend or family member, a good first step is to visit your GP. They will be able to discuss the services and treatments available.
You don’t have to be taking cocaine, or crack cocaine, every day to be addicted to it. One sign of addiction is that you have tried to cut down or stop but can’t. If cocaine is damaging your relationships, work, money situation or health you can get help to stop.
Rehab for cocaine addiction
Unlike heroin, there are no medicines that work as substitutes for powder cocaine, crack cocaine and other stimulants.
But you may be offered medication to help with related symptoms, such as a sleep problem, or misuse of other substances.
Therapeutic programmes like the approach favoured by Parkland Place have proven to be effective in the treatment of cocaine addiction.
Your treatment at Parkland Place
Parkland Place offers unrivalled therapy for people with experience of alcohol addiction, drug addiction, gambling addiction and other harmful behavioural conditions – in the comfort of a stunning, 16-bed mansion and gardens near the coast in beautiful North Wales. The house is situated amidst farmland owned by the National Trust, and offers a welcoming and comfortable haven for your journey of recovery.
Our therapeutic programme is tailored to the needs of each of our guests, and is delivered by friendly, expert staff. This truly bespoke approach allows us to address the social and psychological needs underpinning your addiction, and support you as you make key lifestyle changes.
Guests at Parkland Place are required to be, and to remain, abstinent during their stay with us. Many of our guests require structured medical detoxification before beginning their recovery journey. We offer no-fuss access to our own dedicated detox clinic at Salus Withnell Hall – including transfers – to ensure a seamless therapeutic experience.