Adferiad Gambling Addiction Treatment Pathway
Adferiad is committed to providing our clients with individualised services best suited to their needs. Through our various residential recovery units, community-based services and partnerships we are confident that we can provide people who need help to tackle their gambling addiction with the best possible support.
As part of our Gambling Treatment service, funded by GambleAware, we have developed a standard pathway which encompasses 5 key stages of treatment, with each stage being tailored to the individual needs of the person.

Phase 1
Initial Assessment
When you contact us, we will provide you with a confidential assessment to understand your needs and begin to prepare a personalised care plan ahead of your treatment.
Phase 2
Hafan Wen (following your initial assessment our clinicians will recommend if a period of detoxification is required)
Hafan Wen is a medically managed Detoxification unit delivering quality care with the help of experienced and knowledgeable professionals. Treatment is led by a consultant psychiatrist and service manager, with round-the-clock support from qualified nursing staff.
The team at Hafan Wen understand that your decision to undergo a detox was a very important and difficult decision to make. They hope to provide you with a comfortable supportive environment to help achieve your goal of a substance-free life.
The clinical provision is led by a consultant psychiatrist and the service is staffed 24/7 by qualified nurses and an experienced team of healthcare support workers. The therapeutic programme, which supports service users through detoxification, is led by experienced therapeutic workers who facilitate a range of evidence-based psychosocial interventions.
Parkland Place
Parkland Place aims to address your gambling addiction and any associated underlying social and psychological issues and trauma.
We will work with you to address all aspects of your life, and to help you to develop a personal toolbox of techniques and resources to begin your journey of recovery.
Our therapeutic rehab programme is based on you and your needs, combining a core schedule of activities with a flexible range of personalised support. All our interventions are based on four decades of experience treating people with mental health and substance misuse conditions, and delivered by our skilled and experienced staff team – a number of whom have their own, personal experiences of addiction.
Everything we do is underpinned by established and evidence-based principles. Our programme draws on solution-focused and person-centred models of care – including cognitive behavioural and metacognitive therapies – and a number of successful recovery programmes.
Phase 3
Gordon Moody
Adferiad is working in partnership with Gordon Moody to deliver the National Gambling Treatment Service.
Gordon Moody provide therapeutic support to problem gamblers and those affected by problem gambling, through residential, online and outreach services. They help people to reclaim and rebuild their lives free from gambling addiction in a safe, supported environment by providing the most effective therapies, intervention, and counselling possible. They are a leading provider of gambling therapy services in the UK and a force of healing and hope for individuals, families and communities affected by gambling related harm.
Download our brochure here.