Many people think of their workplace as a safe zone. It is somewhere they can be out of the house, and stay focused on their tasks for around 8 hours a day. Lots of us are now working from our homes, and most likely finding it harder to stay focused. However, you can still continue with recovery even if you are battling the cabin fever. We would like to share some tips for this:
Repurpose the time you would have for your commute.
A lot of people are finding themselves with extra time in the mornings (that’s if you are still getting up at the same time). Now that you no longer need to drive to work, you can use this time for yourself. Spend it on an activity that will make you feel good; exercise, reading, or even just spending more time over your coffee. Clearing your head before your day will do you the world of good.
Stay connected.
It’s very easy to feel isolated when you’re working at home if you are used to working with a group. You may be in frequent communication with your colleagues over email and phone, but it’s not the same as the little catch ups you get in the hall or break room. Consider scheduling quick video chats into your day where you can take your mind off the workload. It will help keep friendships alive and give you something to look forward to.
At Parkland Place we are able to support you through online rehab and recovery sessions on zoom, skype or other online video calls. The therapy sessions can help you with mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and stress management. Find out more about this here.
Make a to-do list.
Sitting at your computer all day might feel like you are working non-stop, but it’s easy to not get much done amongst the zoom calls and email answering. Creating a to-do list can keep you on track of what you need to do. Maybe start the day by writing a list of three or four major things you need to get sorted that day, and aim to get them all ticked off.
Don’t skip your lunch break.
Remembering to eat is a must to keep your brain focused. Eating you food at your desk can make it feel as if you haven’t had a break at all, so make sure to get a change of scenery. If you live with other people, go for a quick catch up, or maybe head out for a short walk.
It’s good practice to take breaks from staring at your computer screen every hour or so to give your eyes a much needed rest.
Get out the house bit.
Working from home means that you run the risk of not leaving it all day! If you have a dog, this is the best excuse to get out for a walk a couple of times. Even if you don’t have a dog, make sure you go out for some fresh air before the afternoon slump hits.
Remember to stay hydrated.
You might never forget your morning cuppa, but make sure to remember to drink water throughout the day too. Keeping a bottle of water on your desk will help you to drink more.
Set boundaries for yourself.
Working from home has multiple benefits, but you might find yourself working for longer now that you’re not pottering about the office. Try to stick to your usual schedule with things, and set up your desk space somewhere where it’s easy to get away from or clear away.
These tips will hopefully support your current circumstances working from home, meaning it won’t hinder your success with recovery. If you need any further advice or have any questions regarding online therapy sessions, please contact us.